Grade 4 Maths Term 2


Core Features:

  • Lifetime access
  • 140 skills
  • 1 400+ pre-recorded tutorial videos
  • 1 400+ practice questions
  • 1 400+ video solutions
  • 4 practice exams (regularly updated)
  • Emailed progress reports


  • Aligned with Annual Teaching Plan
  • Suitable for CAPS and IEB learners

Boost your child’s skills with our Grade 4 Maths Term 2 package!
This comprehensive bundle covers multiplication, division, numeric patterns, geometric patterns, providing a full range of Grade 4 Maths worksheets for Term 2.
Plus, every question is paired with a detailed video solution, eliminating the need for text-based memos and making learning more engaging and effective.
Also included are Grade 4 Maths exam papers for Term 2 to help your child prepare for assessments with confidence.

Grade 4 Maths worksheets – covering all essential topics.

Grade 4 Maths exam papers practice – to enhance exam readiness.

Tutorial Videos – covering for every skill.

Video Solutions – explaining each question in worksheets and exam practice.

Grade 4 Maths

Term 2

Topics & Skills



Multiplication of at least two-digit number by two-digit number / Estimation / Doubling and Halving / Inverse operation / Multiples and Factors / Commutative, associative and distributive properties / Ratio and rate / Solving problems


Division of at least three-digit number by one-digit number / Estimate / Inverse operation / Multiples and factors / Distributive properties / Grouping and equal sharing / Ratio and rate / Solving problem

Numeric Patterns

Investigate and extend numeric patterns / Find and describe the rule of patterns / Input and output values / Flow digrams and table / Equivalent forms

Geometric Patterns

Investigate and extend geometric patterns / Find and describe the rule of patterns / Input and output values / Flow digrams / Equivalent forms

12 years experience. We understand what learners need!

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Grade 4 maths term 2: Mathematics exam papers, Test papers, worksheets, study guide, summary, maths exercise and activities, revision, questions and answersGrade 4 Maths Term 2
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