Grade 4 Maths Term 3


Core Features:

  • Lifetime access
  • 121 skills
  • 121+ pre-recorded tutorial videos
  • 1 210+ practice questions
  • 1 210+ video solutions
  • Emailed progress reports


  • Aligned with Annual Teaching Plan
  • Suitable for CAPS and IEB learners

Boost your child’s skills with our Grade 4 Maths Term 3 package!
Moreover, this comprehensive bundle covers Common Fractions, Time, Length, 2D Shapes, providing a full range of Grade 4 Maths worksheets for Term 3.
Additionally, every question is paired with a detailed video solution, eliminating the need for text-based memos and making learning more engaging and effective.
Furthermore, this approach ensures that your child gains a deeper understanding of every concept.
Finally, our package is designed to build confidence and mastery through consistent practice.

Grade 4 Maths worksheets – covering all essential topics.

Tutorial Videos – covering for every skill.

Video Solutions – explaining each question in worksheets.

Grade 4 Maths

Term 3

Topics & Skills

Common Fractions

Describe, compare and order common fractions / Work with different denominator / Equivalence of divisoin and fractions / Add common fractions / Equivalent forms / Grouping and equal sharing / Solving problem


Read, tell and write time in 12-hour and 24-hour format / Analogue and digital time / Calculate the time / Read calendar / Solving problem


Record, compare and order lengths in millimetres (mm), centremetres (cm), metres (m) and kilometres (km) / Convert the lengths / Solving problem

Properties of 2D shapes

Describe, sort, compare and name 2D shapes / Regular and irregular polygons / Straight and curved side / Number of sides / Triangles, squares, rectangles, other quadrilaterals, pentagons, hexagons, heptagons and circles

12 years experience. We understand what learners need!

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Grade 4 maths term 3: Mathematics exam papers, Test papers, worksheets, study guide, summary, maths exercise and activities, revision, questions and answersGrade 4 Maths Term 3
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