Grade 6 Maths Term 4


Core Features:

  • Lifetime access
  • 82 skills
  • 82+ pre-recorded tutorial videos
  • 820+ practice questions
  • 820+ video solutions
  • 8 practice exams (regularly updated)
  • Emailed progress reports


  • Aligned with Annual Teaching Plan
  • Suitable for CAPS and IEB learners

Boost your child’s skills with our Grade 6 Maths Term 4 package!
This comprehensive bundle covers Mass, Time, Data Handling, Capacity and Volume, providing a full range of Grade 6 Maths worksheets for Term 4.
Plus, every question is paired with a detailed video solution, eliminating the need for text-based memos and making learning more engaging and effective.
Also included are Grade 6 Maths exam papers for Term 4 to help your child prepare for assessments with confidence.

Grade 6 Maths worksheets – covering all essential topics.

Grade 6 Maths exam papers practice – to enhance exam readiness.

Tutorial Videos – covering for every skill.

Video Solutions – explaining each question in worksheets and exam practice.

Grade 6 Maths

Term 4

Topics & Skills


Record, compare and order mass of object in grams (g) and kilograms (kg) / Bathroom and kitchen scales / Calculate and conveter the mass / Solving problems


Read, tell and write time in 12-hour and 24-hour formats / Analogue and digotal time / Read calendar / Calculate the time in seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, years and decades / Time zone maps / Solving problems

Capacity and Volume

Record, compare and order the capacity and volume of 3D objects in millilitres (ml), litres (l) and kilolitres (kl) / Calculate capacity and volume / Convert between millilitres (ml), litres (l) and kilolitres (kl) / Solving problems

Data Handling

Collect, organise, represent, analyze, interpret and report data / Tally marks, tables and questionnaires / Pictographs, bar graphs, double bar graphs and pie charts / Mode and median

12 years experience. We understand what learners need!

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Grade 6 maths term 4: Mathematics exam papers, Test papers, worksheets, study guide, summary, maths exercise and activities, revision, questions and answersGrade 6 Maths Term 4
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